
by Write Technologies Inc. 90+ users have this app installed 90+ installs

Empower students to take better notes and engage effectively with course content.


Key features

  • Offer students a distraction-free note-taking experience that is designed for online courses
  • Students can learn about their study habits, set goals, and stay motivated to complete courses
  • Create custom note templates for all your Thinkific courses to help students learn better


  • Thinkific account


  • From $19.99 per month


Additional Resources


by Write Technologies Inc. 90+ users have this app installed 90+ installs

Empower students to take better notes and engage effectively with course content.

Key features

  • Offer students a distraction-free note-taking experience that is designed for online courses
  • Students can learn about their study habits, set goals, and stay motivated to complete courses
  • Create custom note templates for all your Thinkific courses to help students learn better


With Beastnotes, your students can take notes easily and distraction-free while watching video lectures and reading articles.

Offer custom course notes templates to students

Beastnotes integrates with Thinkific to enable you to offer course templates for notes. Automatically import your course structure, draft a template, review it, and publish it to all students. These templates can help your students stay organized as they learn and develop the intended mental models and learning connections.

Help students learn about their progress and studying behaviour

In addition, students can gain insight into how they spent their time to understand their study habits, set goals to stay motivated and utilize learning techniques such as the Pomodoro technique to stay focused.

With our mission to help students in online courses learn content effectively, the Beastnotes app aims to boost your course engagement rates and student satisfaction.