
by Thinkific Labs 190+ users have this app installed 190+ installs

Identify and recover failed Stripe payments.

Identify and recover failed Stripe payments.

Key features

  • Receive notifications of failed student payments made through Stripe
  • Prompt students to update payment details when payments fail
  • Email automations for subscriptions


  • Thinkific account
  • Stunning account
  • Not compatible with TCommerce


  • 15-day free trial. From $50/month.


Additional Resources


by Thinkific Labs 190+ users have this app installed 190+ installs

Identify and recover failed Stripe payments.

Identify and recover failed Stripe payments.

Key features

  • Receive notifications of failed student payments made through Stripe
  • Prompt students to update payment details when payments fail
  • Email automations for subscriptions


Install the Stunning app to help recover failed and overdue payments from your students, by sending automated notifications to update credit card details!

If you’re using Stripe to collect payments on your Thinkific site, you can easily connect your Stunning account to help recover failed and overdue payments from your students. Stunning allows you to retain more of your subscription and monthly payment revenue by prompting students to update their credit cards themselves when their current card on record is no longer working, or even before their expiration date hits.

To learn more about how Stunning can help you start recovering your revenue now, head to their website: you can use this link to get 30% off your subscription after you've upgraded from a Value Based Plan to their regular paid plan.

Features Include:

  • Automatically prompt students to pay overdue charges
  • Email reminders for student payments
  • Robust reporting for recovered revenue