Wiser Notify

by WiserNotify 210+ users have this app installed 210+ installs

Earn more customers by showing your site visitors real-time course purchases, recent reviews, online students, announcements, and so much more.


Key features

  • Build instant credibility by showing recent student enrollments, course purchases & reviews
  • Fully integrated with your Thinkific site to automatically convert actions into social proof
  • Drive urgency and incentivize purchases with exciting announcements and FOMO widgets


  • Thinkific Account


  • Free plan available. Paid plans start from $12/month.


Additional Resources

Wiser Notify

by WiserNotify 210+ users have this app installed 210+ installs

Earn more customers by showing your site visitors real-time course purchases, recent reviews, online students, announcements, and so much more.

Key features

  • Build instant credibility by showing recent student enrollments, course purchases & reviews
  • Fully integrated with your Thinkific site to automatically convert actions into social proof
  • Drive urgency and incentivize purchases with exciting announcements and FOMO widgets



Social proof is one of the fastest ways to establish trust with visitors to your site. As a course creator, you need to showcase that other students trust you and have been finding success thanks to your courses. Wiser Notify helps you incentivize more course purchases thanks to the power of social proof and FOMO (fear of missing out). For over a decade, we have been providing entrepreneurs with an easy way to tell a compelling story about the popularity, credibility, and success of a business.

How does it work?

Wiser Notify offers real-time insights about what visitors are doing on your website. It also picks up live visitor activities from your website & shows it to new visitors. Our app enables you to show social proof in your store to get more course sales with existing traffic. This app has an advanced and fully-customizable notification system that helps to increase your business’ conversion rate within a short timeline.

What are the features and benefits of Wiser Notify?

Wiser Notify helps you build trust, boost engagement & create urgency with the following notification types:

  • Highlight the online student count
  • Showcase recent student enrollment & course sales
  • Show the recent course viewed count
  • Celebrate students’ reviews

Furthermore, you can fully customize all notifications using the below options:

  • Choose the notification design from the notification template gallery
  • Set your brand color & combination in the notification
  • Set text lines as you want
  • Set display rules
  • Add multiple data sources
  • Make a clickable notification by placing a 'call to action' button on it

You can even view advanced visitor insights & notification performance:

  • Visitor reports with time duration filters
  • Notification performance shows unique visits count, impression, click, hover & CTA event count
  • Visitor profile card with site's visiting history
  • Advance analytics show unique visitors, impressions, clicks & hover counts
  • Measure notification performance by setting a goal
  • Compare every data point into the chart

How does this app help you get more customers in less time?

Wiser Notify increases the engagement of visitors to your site & establishes their trust in your website. Notifications create urgency & curiosity by showing what other customers are doing or saying about your site & courses. Also, it creates social validation and FOMO to convert more visitors into customers. This way, it helps to lower the total amount of money you spend to get customers & improve your conversion rates.