Circle SSO

by Course Studio 160+ users have this app installed 160+ installs

Single sign-on allows for passwordless access to your Circle community from Thinkific.

Single sign-on allows for passwordless access to your Circle community from Thinkific.

Key features

  • Allow students to skip the login step to access your Circle community
  • Promote community engagement with less friction
  • Offer private Circle communities without having to create student accounts


  • Thinkific Plus
  • Circle Pro or higher


  • $35/month or $380/year


Additional Resources

Circle SSO

by Course Studio 160+ users have this app installed 160+ installs

Single sign-on allows for passwordless access to your Circle community from Thinkific.

Single sign-on allows for passwordless access to your Circle community from Thinkific.

Key features

  • Allow students to skip the login step to access your Circle community
  • Promote community engagement with less friction
  • Offer private Circle communities without having to create student accounts


Circle SSO by Course Studio helps create a seamless experience for students as they work through your Thinkific curriculum by enabling them to access your Circle community in one click using their existing Thinkific credentials.

Note that this app enables single sign on into Circle using a student's Thinkific credentials. Subscriptions for Thinkific and Circle must be purchased separately.


  • Save the admin time required to set up students in Circle by allowing them to access your community using their Thinkific account—even for private communities!
  • One-click access to Circle for students who are logged in to Thinkific.
  • Set up requires no coding. Simply copy and paste the key from our app into your Circle SSO setup area and you’re up and running in minutes.