Smartarget Stories

by Smartarget 50+ users have this app installed 50+ installs

Smartarget Stories: Boost Engagement. Boost Sales.

Smartarget Stories: Boost Engagement. Boost Sales.

Key features

  • Showcase your offers and products
  • Increase engagement with your site
  • Set up your stories quickly and easily


  • Thinkific Account


  • Free plan available. Paid plans start from $5/month


Additional Resources

Smartarget Stories

by Smartarget 50+ users have this app installed 50+ installs

Smartarget Stories: Boost Engagement. Boost Sales.

Smartarget Stories: Boost Engagement. Boost Sales.

Key features

  • Showcase your offers and products
  • Increase engagement with your site
  • Set up your stories quickly and easily


Smartarget Stories lets you to create multiple stories for your website with images, videos and sound, just like you can do on Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms.

Increase site engagement, build brand connections, and sell more by adding stories to your Thinkific site pages.

  • Engage visitors with attractive stories
  • Humanize your brand's experience by creating personable content
  • Create calls to action to drive traffic to specific site pages
  • Sell the dream of your courses with attractive images
  • Generate sales by demonstrating the value of your brand
  • Automatically offer limited-time coupon codes and promotions

Smartarget Stories doesn't require any technical knowledge or coding skills; it includes a simple setup process that gives you the power to tell your story your way, and enhance your professional Thinkific website.