Constant Contact

by Thinkific Labs 790+ users have this app installed 790+ installs

Makes building powerful email and marketing campaigns easier.

Makes building powerful email and marketing campaigns easier.

Key features

  • Utilize beautiful mobile optimized email templates
  • Robust analytics and real-time reporting
  • Automatically add new Thinkific sign ups to your desired Constant Contact list


  • Thinkific account
  • Constant Contact paid account


  • Free plan available. Paid plans start from $20/month.
  • Thinkific customers get 10% off plans paid monthly, 15% of plans paid every 6 months or 20% of plans paid annually


Additional Resources

Constant Contact

by Thinkific Labs 790+ users have this app installed 790+ installs

Makes building powerful email and marketing campaigns easier.

Makes building powerful email and marketing campaigns easier.

Key features

  • Utilize beautiful mobile optimized email templates
  • Robust analytics and real-time reporting
  • Automatically add new Thinkific sign ups to your desired Constant Contact list


Regardless of experience, Constant Contact is here to help you more effectively market your offering!

Constant Contact has great email marketing for ecommerce tools that are built to help your online learning business grow. With Constant Contact you can find new customers, drive engagement, and keep them coming back for more with segmented and automated emails.

Our direct Constant Contact integration is a simple way of making sure that any of your new Thinkific users are automatically added to your Constant Contact account and optionally a single mailing list. This enables you to more effectively nurture new sign ups and create a loyal customer base through your marketing efforts.

New to Constant Contact?

Thinkific customers get 10% off plans paid monthly, 15% of plans paid every 6 months or 20% of plans paid annually.

Sign up now ยป

Features Include:

  • Dedicated reporting to better understand your customer engagement
  • 100+ email templates available
  • Easy to set up email automations
  • Contact management tools to more effectively manage your lists

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